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When it comes to getting a quote for your project, we invite you to pick up the phone and call us directly.


At JJS Construction, we value the opportunity to speak with you in-person, understand your needs, and provide a personalized quote tailored to your requirements. We will be ready to answer your call, offering a friendly and informative conversation about your project.


Why give us a call? We believe that direct communication allows us to better grasp the nuances of your project, ensuring that we provide an accurate and comprehensive quote. We are here to guide you through the process, address any questions you may have, and offer insights into the possibilities for your project.


Do it the old-school way - call us at 705-571-6677 today to speak with our knowledgeable team and get a quote that reflects our commitment to exceptional service and a personal touch.

Alternatively, fill out the form below with some details about your project and we will contract you to develop a quote. 

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